Startups to Watch 2016:

  1. Ardina (>Kind of fits the overarching theme you guys have of simplified health care. Ardina is the modern triple AAA of health care; you pay $10-$20 straight up and get access limited healthcare on the go, discounted products/prescriptions, and ICOE health care

  2. Timelooper->VR app that lets you go back in time and experience historical events, fits the VR vertical

  3. Simple Disability-> Start to end way for insurers to find people looking for DI using ML, contact them, then deliver the policy. Everything from both sides is done through the platform (i.e underwriting, simplified contract, distribution) and in under 30 minutes. DI's one of the more technological backward mediums in the shit show of inefficiency that is insurance and a lot of smaller companies avoid it all together

  4. Mejuri-> Jewelry brand which uses crowd sourced designs and a more efficient supply chain to create a trusted online premium jewelry brand.

  5. OpenMed->Uses AI and photo technology to correctly diagnose potential symptoms for non life-threatening diseases. Think instead of googling why your eye is red, just taking a picture and figuring out what the possible health implications might be. 

  6. SeaDrone->Accessible controllable, underwater drone. Right now being used to inspect fish farms, which is a huge potential market

  7. Ledger Investing->Doesn’t really align with the rest of the portfolio, but the most innovative company I’ve seen in a while. Essentially an open platform for investors to buy securitized assets of underwritten cash flow contracts (think being able to choose tranches of different MBS's in like 2006). Completely shifts underwritten contract risk to the investor and for insurance companies, helps balance their bottom line at any time. Obvious revenue model through transaction fees.

  8. Technovera->South African company. Service allows people with chronic conditions to collect their repeat medication in a few minutes, rather than waiting several hours in long queues. Especially useful in emerging markets

  9. Pupbox-> Pupbox is essentially an all-in-one monthly box (a la Birchbox) that contains every premium item a dog owner would need including instructions for training the dog at that point and accessories. It could take away market share from BarkBox which has a 150 mil+ valuation and no serious competitors